Hi everyone
Sorry so long in between posts, but I really have not been in the mood to craft.........Eeeeech I know. I bought some more svg files so maybe that will get me excited enough to want too!
Thanks so much for all the prayers My Mammogram came back good . THANK GOD
As for my foot that is another thing I am about ready to cut it off......
About a month 3 shots and 3 ultra wave treatments and still hobbling.....they are gonna try to up my meds and fit me for an arch support for in my shoe to see if that helps.....
Been pretty busy getting my yard work done oh has it been looking pretty bad!
Tabatha and Courtney are on vacation this week , they went to Myrtle Beach
Sure do miss them, but they call every day and are having a fantastic time they will be home Sunday. My Niece and Nephew are home for a couple of weeks then we are expecting more relatives from California ....So I will be busy with Family.
Thought I would post this My Niece Tina wanted me to help her make a gift for her son's new teacher ........
She bought a small tin lunch box and we decorated it, she is gonna fill it with goodies.
Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope too be back in the swing of things soon.
Wanda :-D
Things I am thankful for
1. No Breast Cancer
If you drop by face book look me up I play Frontier ville and Resort World always looking for new neighbors... wink!