Ok first off Please forgive me for being sooooooo late on posting these.
I have no excuses other than pure laziness....So Sorry!
I am truly Blessed to have so many AMAZING FRIENDS.
You know growing up I didn't have a lot of friends I got pregnant and quit school at 15 ( I know shame on me ) but I wouldn't change a thing God has blessed me so much!
Any way I have gotten so many awards from so many of you I am gonna post them all .
I hope I don't forget anybody if I do don't hesitate to let me know....
Here goes
1. Ms Bright side award comes from
NanneShe is such an AWESOME crafter....I want to be like her when I grow up!
Thank you so much my friend......
2. Beautiful blogger award comes from
Kim my Practical Scrappers DT Sister, she is such a sweet heart!
Stacy A very talented crafter....
Nita A super sweet Lady she has been with me from the beginning, she makes some beautiful cards.
Aaron My Daughter in law my friend! Glad to have her as my scrapping buddy!
Sandy I only wish she lived closer I know we could be best of friends....She is such a nut!
She always makes me smile , never afraid to try anything new.
3. Sunshine award comes from
Audrey She is such a super talented Lady and such a super sweet heart always a kind word.
Kaye She always has time to stop and leave a sweet comment, very talented crafter.
Sweet Blogger award comes from
Nanne And
Sandy 2 of the most Gifted crafters I know and I am blessed to call the Friends....
Now to accept the awards there are some things I must do.....for the Ms Bright Side I need to share the 10 top things about myself and then share 5 bits of trivia...I am allowed to pass this award to 5 other bloggers....
Top 10 things that make me happy
1.The Love of God
2. Spending time with my family
3. Disney I love to go to Disney ....
4. Scrapping/ crafting
5. hanging out on the net with my friends
6. Twilight/ EDWARD! / Johnny Depp!
7. warm summer nights/ love being outside.
8. my flower beds/ nature
9. shopping
10. my Grand Daughters....They put a BIG SMILE on my face!
(now 5 bits of trivia)
Hum let me think
1. I stopped smoking 2yrs ago and gained 40 pounds ( really Bummed here )
2. Got married to my childhood sweet heart at 16 had both my kids by 19 ......been married for 34 wonderful wouldn't change anything years!
3. I love to do yard work /weeding, cutting grass , planting flowers....etc
4. I LOVE anything to do with Disney , can't wait to see the new Toy Story movie.
5 I love cartoons, coffee , Kids, I don't ever want to grow up hummm.... I heard that before
Toys r us kid!....lol
Now to pass this on to 5 people ( The MS BRIGHT SIDE AWARD )
Thank you everyone.......