Hi all
I am soooo excited, I have been wanting to try these freezer paper tee shirts...( I know I am a little behind )....lol.
And you all know how crazy I am about Twilight so my very first shirt would have to be a Team Edward shirt !!!!!
I am really pleased at how it turned out , really excited about trying some more....
The colors are way off in the pic...the heart looks pink but I used Metallic red paint....but some how it shows up pink.
I designed the pic on the front and the saying on the back in design studio...
using cuttin up/ plantin school book /tinker bell and Hannah Montana carts.
If you would like the file let me know....email me magicalwanda03@aol.com
If you do not have Hannah or tink ...I used Hannah for the lips and tink for the sparkles that did not show up well in the pic ...but you could delete them if you would like and add something else.....
Thanks for stopping by